Building: Church?

9:30 am-10:30 pm
SJ School Mass, Gr 5-8
10:45 am-11:15 am
SJ Preschool Church Tour
Special Collection: Birthright
Special Collection: Birthright
1:30 pm-1:45 pm
Pet Blessing - Prayer Garden
9:30 am-10:30 am
SJ School Mass, Gr K-4
8:00 pm-9:00 pm
K of C Meeting - RBC Mtg Room
6:00 pm-10:00 pm
Choir Practice
2nd Collection: Diocesan Assessment
10:30 am-11:30 am
Our Daily Bread - RBC Mtg Room
2nd Collection: Diocesan Assessment
6:00 pm-10:00 pm
Choir Practice
10:00 am-12:00 pm
RBC Catholic Schools Mass
St. James' Food Drive Collection
St. James' Food Drive
2:15 pm 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass
4:00 pm-5:25 pm
St. James Youth Group - Rectory Mtg Room
3:00 pm-4:00 pm
RBC Choir
10:30 am-11:30 am
Rectory Meeting Room - Heather
6:00 pm-10:00 pm
Choir Practice
Special Collection: World Mission Sunday
Coffee & Donut Sunday: Fr. Vic Farewell
Special Collection: World Mission Sunday
3:00 pm-4:00 pm
Altar Server Training (School) - Church
4:00 pm-5:00 pm
RBC Choir Practice & Recording - Church
3:00 pm-4:00 pm
Our Daily Bread - Rectory Mtg Room
6:00 pm-10:00 pm
Choir Practice
1:45 pm-2:30 pm
RBC Pro Life Speaker - Church ( Gr )
6:00 pm-7:30 pm
SJS Trunk or Treat - Parking Lot
SJS Halloween Parade
1:00 pm-4:00 pm
RBC Choir Practice & Recording - Church
K of C Raffle Ticket Sale
9:00 am-10:00 am
Altar Server Training (REP) - Church
K of C Raffle Ticket Sale