Room: PC- Upstairs Conference Room

green31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Year 2 Meeting With Parents
Youth Ministry- Confirmation
PC- Upstairs Conference Room (Parish Center)
PC- Santa Cruz (Parish center)
PC- San Miguel (Parish Center)
PH- Main Conference Room (Parish House)
PH- Living Room (Parish House)
SCH- Hurley Hall (OLA School)
SCH- Mulcahy Center (OLA School)
SCH- Mulcahy Center Kitchen (OLA School)
SCH- Youth Room (OLA School)
Ph- Deacons Office (Parish House)
whiteDedication of the Lateran basilica
whiteSt. Martin of ToursVeterans Day
green32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Year 1 Meeting
Youth Ministry- Confirmation
PC- Upstairs Conference Room (Parish Center)
PC- Santa Cruz (Parish center)
PC- San Miguel (Parish Center)
PH- Main Conference Room (Parish House)
PH- Living Room (Parish House)
SCH- Hurley Hall (OLA School)
SCH- Mulcahy Center (OLA School)
SCH- Mulcahy Center Kitchen (OLA School)
SCH- Youth Room (OLA School)
Ph- Deacons Office (Parish House)
whiteSt. Frances Xavier Cabrini
greenwhiteSt. Albert the Great
Safeguard the Children Core Meeting
Safe Guard The Children
PC- Upstairs Conference Room (Parish Center)
greenwhiteSt. Margaret of Scotland, St. Gertrude the Great
whiteSt. Elizabeth of Hungary
greenwhiteDedication of the basilicas of Ss. Peter & Paul, Mem. of Blessed Virgin Mary
green33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
whitePresentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
greenredwhiteSt. Clement I, St. ColumbanThanksgiving Day
redSt. Andrew Dung Lac & companions
greenredwhiteSt. Catherine of Alexandria, Mem. of Blessed Virgin Mary