Building: Faith Formation Center

Religious Ed - FHC Classes (Thursday)
First Holy Communion Program
Room 101 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 201 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 203 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 307 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 308 (Faith Formation Center)
Staff Room (Faith Formation Center)
Room 301 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 302 (Faith Formation Center)
whitePresentation of the Lord
Subgroup Meetings / Reunión de Subgrupos
Grupo Juvenil Nuevo Amenecer
Room 201 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 203 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
greenredwhiteSt. Blase, St. Ansgar, Mem. of Blessed Virgin Mary
Religious Ed - FHC Classes (Thursday)
First Holy Communion Program
Room 101 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 201 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 203 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 307 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 308 (Faith Formation Center)
Staff Room (Faith Formation Center)
Room 301 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 302 (Faith Formation Center)
green5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Confirmation Classes (Grades 9-12)
Confirmation Program
Room 101 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 201 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 203 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 307 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 308 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 301 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 302 (Faith Formation Center)
Confirmation Catechists Meeting
Confirmation Program
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
OCIA Classes
OCIA/RCIA Program (English)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
redSt. Agatha
School of Leaders / Escuela de Dirigentes
Cursillo de Cristiandad
Auditorium (Faith Formation Center)
Room 101 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
redSt. Paul Miki & Companions
Choir Rehearsal / Ensayo de Coro
Choir (Spanish)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
Group Formation / Formación del Grupo
Hermandad del Señor de Esquipulas
Room 201 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Weekly Group Meeting / Reunión Semanal del Grupo
Liturguical Ministry (Spanish)
Room 203 (Faith Formation Center)
Baptism Seminar / Charla de Bautisos
Auditorium (Faith Formation Center)
Baptism Seminar / Charla de Bautiso
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
Choir Rehearsal / Ensayo de Coro
Youth Choir (English)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Community with Fr. Roland
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
greenwhiteSt. Jerome Emiliani, St. Josephine Bakhita
Religious Ed - FHC Classes (Thursday)
First Holy Communion Program
Room 101 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 201 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 203 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 307 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 308 (Faith Formation Center)
Staff Room (Faith Formation Center)
Room 301 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 302 (Faith Formation Center)
Subgroup Meetings / Reunión de Subgrupos
Grupo Juvenil Nuevo Amenecer
Room 201 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 203 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
whiteSt. Scholastica
Religious Ed - FHC Yr. 1 Classes (Saturday)
First Holy Communion Program
Room 101 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 201 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 203 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 307 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 308 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 301 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 302 (Faith Formation Center)
Religious Ed - FHC Yr. 2 Classes (Saturday)
First Holy Communion Program
Room 101 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 201 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 203 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 307 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 308 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 301 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 302 (Faith Formation Center)
green6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Food Sale / Venta de Comida
Cursillo de Cristiandad
Auditorium (Faith Formation Center)
Confirmation Classes (Grades 9-12)
Confirmation Program
Room 101 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 201 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 203 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 307 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 308 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 301 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 302 (Faith Formation Center)
Confirmation Catechists Meeting
Confirmation Program
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
OCIA Classes
OCIA/RCIA Program (English)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
School of Leaders / Escuela de Dirigentes
Cursillo de Cristiandad
Auditorium (Faith Formation Center)
Room 101 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
Choir Rehearsal / Ensayo de Coro
Choir (Spanish)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
School of Acolytes (Grades 6-12)
School of Acolytes
Auditorium (Faith Formation Center)
Group Formation / Formación del Grupo
Hermandad del Señor de Esquipulas
Room 201 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Weekly Group Meeting / Reunión Semanal del Grupo
Liturguical Ministry (Spanish)
Room 203 (Faith Formation Center)
purpleAsh Wednesday
Choir Rehearsal / Ensayo de Coro
Youth Choir (English)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Community with Fr. Roland
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
purpleThursday after Ash Wednesday
Religious Ed - FHC Classes (Thursday)
First Holy Communion Program
Room 101 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 201 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 203 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 307 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 308 (Faith Formation Center)
Staff Room (Faith Formation Center)
Room 301 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 302 (Faith Formation Center)
purpleFriday After Ash Wednesday
Subgroup Meetings / Reunión de Subgrupos
Grupo Juvenil Nuevo Amenecer
Room 201 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 203 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
purpleSeven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
Religious Ed - FHC Yr. 1 Classes (Saturday)
First Holy Communion Program
Room 101 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 201 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 203 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 307 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 308 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 301 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 302 (Faith Formation Center)
Religious Ed - FHC Yr. 2 Classes (Saturday)
First Holy Communion Program
Room 101 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 201 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 203 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 307 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 308 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 301 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 302 (Faith Formation Center)
Valentines Day Dance / Baile de San Valentin
Events Committee
Auditorium (Faith Formation Center)
purple1st Sunday of Lent
Valentines Day Dance / Baile de San Valentin
Events Committee
Auditorium (Faith Formation Center)
Food Sale / Venta de Comida
Grupo San Jose
Auditorium (Faith Formation Center)
Welcoming of Couples / Recebimiento de Parejas
Movimiento Familiar de Loretto
Auditorium (Faith Formation Center)
purpleLenten Weekday
School of Leaders / Escuela de Dirigentes
Cursillo de Cristiandad
Auditorium (Faith Formation Center)
Room 101 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
purpleLenten Weekday
Choir Rehearsal / Ensayo de Coro
Choir (Spanish)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
Group Formation / Formación del Grupo
Hermandad del Señor de Esquipulas
Room 201 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Weekly Group Meeting / Reunión Semanal del Grupo
Liturguical Ministry (Spanish)
Room 203 (Faith Formation Center)
purpleSt. Peter Damian
Choir Rehearsal / Ensayo de Coro
Youth Choir (English)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Community with Fr. Roland
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
whiteChair of St. Peter
Religious Ed - FHC Classes (Thursday)
First Holy Communion Program
Room 101 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 201 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 203 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 307 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 308 (Faith Formation Center)
Staff Room (Faith Formation Center)
Room 301 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 302 (Faith Formation Center)
purpleSt. Polycarp
Subgroup Meetings / Reunión de Subgrupos
Grupo Juvenil Nuevo Amenecer
Room 201 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 203 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
purpleLenten Weekday
Religious Ed - FHC Yr. 1 Classes (Saturday)
First Holy Communion Program
Room 101 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 201 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 203 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 307 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 308 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 301 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 302 (Faith Formation Center)
Religious Ed - FHC Yr. 2 Classes (Saturday)
First Holy Communion Program
Room 101 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 201 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 203 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 307 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 308 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 301 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 302 (Faith Formation Center)
purple2nd Sunday of Lent
Confirmation Classes (Grades 9-12)
Confirmation Program
Room 101 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 201 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 203 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 307 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 308 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 301 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 302 (Faith Formation Center)
Confirmation Catechists Meeting
Confirmation Program
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
OCIA Classes
OCIA/RCIA Program (English)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
purpleLenten Weekday
School of Leaders / Escuela de Dirigentes
Cursillo de Cristiandad
Auditorium (Faith Formation Center)
Room 101 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
purpleSt. Gregory of Narek
Choir Rehearsal / Ensayo de Coro
Choir (Spanish)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
School of Acolytes (Grades 6-12)
School of Acolytes
Auditorium (Faith Formation Center)
Group Formation / Formación del Grupo
Hermandad del Señor de Esquipulas
Room 201 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Weekly Group Meeting / Reunión Semanal del Grupo
Liturguical Ministry (Spanish)
Room 203 (Faith Formation Center)
purpleLenten Weekday
Choir Rehearsal / Ensayo de Coro
Youth Choir (English)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Community with Fr. Roland
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
purpleLenten Weekday
Religious Ed - FHC Classes (Thursday)
First Holy Communion Program
Room 101 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 102 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 201 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 202 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 203 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 204 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 307 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 308 (Faith Formation Center)
Staff Room (Faith Formation Center)
Room 301 (Faith Formation Center)
Room 302 (Faith Formation Center)