Building: SMA Church

white7th Sunday of Easter
Mass 9:00 am
SMA Church
whiteredSs. Marcellinus & Peter
redSs. Charles Lwanga & companions
whiteEaster Weekday
Confession 3:15 pm
SMA Church
Mass 5:30 pm
SMA Church
Mass 9:00 am
SMA Church
whiteMary, Mother of the Church
redSt. Barnabas the Apostle
SMA Church (SMA Church)
whiteSt. Anthony of Padua
greenwhiteMem. of Blessed Virgin Mary
Mass 5:30 pm
SMA Church
whiteCorpus Christi
Mass 9:00 am
SMA Church
whiteBirth of St. John the Baptist
whiteThe Sacred Heart of Jesus
greenredwhiteImmaculate Heart of Mary, St. Irenaeus, Mem. of Blessed Virgin Mary
Mass 5:30 pm
SMA Church
redSs. Peter & Paul
Mass 9:00 am
SMA Church
greenredFirst Martyrs of the Church of Rome