Building: Basilica - Main

green14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sons & Daughters of the Immaculate Conception Parish 8:00 am
BIC Church
Confession 9:15 am
BIC Church
Confession 11:15 am
BIC Church
Confession 5:15 pm
BIC Church
greenredSt. Maria Goretti
Confession 11:00 am
BIC Church
BIC Church (Basilica - Main)
greenredSs. Augustine Zhao Rong & companions
Confession 11:00 am
BIC Church
green15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Confession 9:15 am
BIC Church
Confession 11:15 am
BIC Church
Confession 5:15 pm
BIC Church
greenwhiteSt. Henry
Confession 11:00 am
BIC Church
BIC Church (Basilica - Main)
whiteSt. Bonaventure
Confession 6:30 am
BIC Church
Confession 11:00 am
BIC Church
greenwhiteOur Lady of Mount Carmel
Wedding Rehearsal - Tellerico-Proto
BIC Church
Confession 11:00 am
BIC Church
Confession 11:00 am
BIC Church
Wedding Mass - Tellerico-Proto 2:30 pm
BIC Church
greenwhiteSt. Camillus de Lellis, Mem. of Blessed Virgin Mary
Confession 11:00 am
BIC Church