Building: St Luke Church

greenredwhiteSs. Marcellinus & Peter, Mem. of Blessed Virgin Mary
green9th Sunday in Ordinary Time
redSt. Boniface
Divine Mercy (Eng).
St Luke-Chapel (St Luke Church)
Baptism Prep Class
S (St Luke Church)
whiteThe Sacred Heart of Jesus
whiteImmaculate Heart of Mary
green11th Sunday in Ordinary TimeFather's Day
greenwhiteSt. RomualdJuneteenth
Divine Mercy (Eng.)
St Luke-Chapel (St Luke Church)
whiteSt. Aloysius Gonzaga
greenredwhiteSt. Paulinus of Nola, Ss. John Fisher & Thomas More
greenwhiteMem. of Blessed Virgin Mary
whiteBirth of St. John the Baptist
greenwhiteSt. Cyril of Alexandria
greenredwhiteFirst Martyrs of the Church of Rome, Mem. of Blessed Virgin Mary