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green30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
redSt. Simon & St. Jude
Friday November 1st 20241
whiteAll Saints
8:15 am Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· The Parish Family
10:00 am Mass - St. Francis of Assisi (Dollar Bay)
· † The Parish Family
5:30 pm Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † The Parish Family
7:00 pm-7:00 pm
All Saints Party and Potluckj - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
Saturday November 2nd 20242
whiteAll Souls
9:00 am Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † Paul Nelson
11:00 am Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· The Parish Family
3:00 pm Confession - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
4:30 pm Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † Joan Dupuis
Sunday November 3rd 20243
green31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:45 am Mass - St. Francis of Assisi (Dollar Bay)
· For Our Parish Family
10:30 am Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † Sr. Helen & Sr. Therese
Monday November 4th 20244
whiteSt. Charles Borromeo
Tuesday November 5th 20245
6:00 pm-7:00 pm
Adoration - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
6:15 pm Confession - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
7:00 pm Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † Joan Dupuis
Wednesday November 6th 20246
8:15 am Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † Barbara Lewis
Thursday November 7th 20247
8:15 am Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † Donna Whitesall
12:01 pm-6:00 pm
Perpetual Adoration - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
1:00 pm-4:00 pm
Prayer Shawl - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
Friday November 8th 20248
8:15 am Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † Lois Hartman
Saturday November 9th 20249
whiteDedication of the Lateran basilica
9:00 am Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † Charlotte Olive
3:00 pm Confession - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
4:30 pm Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † Dorothy Carle
Sunday November 10th 202410
green32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:45 am Mass - St. Francis of Assisi (Dollar Bay)
· † Gen Milde
10:30 am Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· For Our Parish Family
Monday November 11th 202411
whiteSt. Martin of Tours
Tuesday November 12th 202412
redSt. Josaphat
6:00 pm-7:00 pm
Adoration - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
6:15 pm Confession - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
7:00 pm Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † Paul Nelson
Wednesday November 13th 202413
whiteSt. Frances Xavier Cabrini
8:15 am Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· Sally Tchida
Thursday November 14th 202414
8:15 am Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † Vonnie Veeser
12:01 pm-6:00 pm
Perpetual Adoration - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
1:00 pm-4:00 pm
Prayer Shawl - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
Friday November 15th 202415
greenwhiteSt. Albert the Great
8:15 am Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † Joe Sayen
Saturday November 16th 202416
greenwhiteSt. Margaret of Scotland, St. Gertrude the Great, Mem. of Blessed Virgin Mary
9:00 am Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † Paul Nelson
3:00 pm Confession - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
4:30 pm Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † Joan Dupuis
Sunday November 17th 202417
green33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:45 am Mass - St. Francis of Assisi (Dollar Bay)
· For Our Parish Family
10:30 am Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † Joan Dupuis
Monday November 18th 202418
greenwhiteDedication of the basilicas of Ss. Peter & Paul, St. Rose Philippine Duchesne
Tuesday November 19th 202419
6:00 pm-7:00 pm
Adoration - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
6:15 pm Confession - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
7:00 pm Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † Paul Nelson
Wednesday November 20th 202420
8:15 am Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † Henreietta LaMotte
Thursday November 21st 202421
whitePresentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
8:15 am Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † Paul Nelson
12:01 pm-6:00 pm
Perpetual Adoration - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
1:00 pm-4:00 pm
Prayer Shawl - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
Friday November 22nd 202422
redSt. Cecilia
8:15 am Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † Lois Hartman
Saturday November 23rd 202423
greenredwhiteSt. Clement I, St. Columban, St. Miguel Agustine Mem. of Blessed Virgin Mary
9:00 am Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † Dan Dulong
3:00 pm Confession - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
4:30 pm Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † Lenore Jaquet
Sunday November 24th 202424
whiteChrist The King
8:45 am Mass - St. Francis of Assisi (Dollar Bay)
· † Francis Kump
10:30 am Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· For Our Parish Family
7:00 pm-7:00 pm
Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service and Fellowship - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
Monday November 25th 202425
greenredSt. Catherine of Alexandria
Tuesday November 26th 202426
6:00 pm-7:00 pm
Adoration - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
6:15 pm Confession - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
7:00 pm Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † Charlotte Massini
Wednesday November 27th 202427
8:15 am Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
Thursday November 28th 202428
8:15 am Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
12:01 pm-6:00 pm
Perpetual Adoration - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
1:00 pm-4:00 pm
Prayer Shawl - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
Friday November 29th 202429
8:15 am Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
Saturday November 30th 202430
redSt. Andrew the Apostle
3:00 pm Confession - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
4:30 pm Mass - Church of the Resurrection (Hancock)
· † Paul Nelson