Sunday within the Octave (sd) -St. Thomas of Canterbury, BpM (d) -29
Within the Octave (sd)30
St. Sylvester I, PC (d)31
Wednesday January 1st 20251
Holy Day of Obligation: Circumcision of Our Lord (d2cl)Thursday January 2nd 20252
Octave day of St. Stephen, M (s)Friday January 3rd 20253
Octave Day of St. John, ApEv (sp) - First FridaySaturday January 4th 20254
Octave Day of the Holy Innocents Mm (sp) - First SaturdaySunday January 5th 20255
The Holy Name of Jesus (d2cl) - Vigil of Epiphany - St. Telesphorus, PMMonday January 6th 20256
The Epiphany of Our Lord (d1cl)Tuesday January 7th 20257
Within the Octave (sd)Wednesday January 8th 20258
Within the Octave (sd)Thursday January 9th 20259
Within the Octave (sd)Friday January 10th 202510
Within the Octave (sd)Saturday January 11th 202511
Within the Octave (sd) - St. Hyginus, PMSunday January 12th 202512
The Holy Family (dm) - First Sunday after EpiphanyMonday January 13th 202513
Octave Day of the Epiphany (dm)Tuesday January 14th 202514
St. Hilary, Bishop, BpCD (d) - St. Felix, Priest, MWednesday January 15th 202515
St. Paul the First Hermit, C - St. Maurus, AbThursday January 16th 202516
St. Marcellus I, PM (sd)Friday January 17th 202517
St. Anthony the Hermit, Ab (d)Saturday January 18th 202518
St. Peter's Chair at Rome (dm) - St. Paul Ap - St. Prisca, VMSunday January 19th 202519
Second Sunday after Epiphany - St. Marius & Companions, Mm (sp) - St. Canute, King, MMonday January 20th 202520
Sts. Fabian, P, & Sebastian, Mm (d)Tuesday January 21st 202521
St. Agnes, VM. (d)Wednesday January 22nd 202522
Sts. Vincent & Anastasius, MmThursday January 23rd 202523
St. Raymond of Pennafort, C (sd) - St. Emerentiana, VMFriday January 24th 202524
St. Timothy, BpM (d)Saturday January 25th 202525
Conversion of St. Paul, Ap (dm) - St. Peter ApSunday January 26th 202526
Third Sunday after Epiphany - St. Polycarp, BpM (d)Monday January 27th 202527
St. John Chrysostom, BpCD (d)Tuesday January 28th 202528
St. Peter Nolasco, C (d) - St. Agnes, VM [2nd Time]Wednesday January 29th 202529
St. Francis de Sales, BpCDThursday January 30th 202530
St. Martina, VM (sd)Friday January 31st 202531
St. John Bosco, C (d)Feb
St. Ignatius, BpM (d) - First Saturday1