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pink4th Sunday of Lent
purpleLenten Weekday
Tuesday April 1st 20251
purpleLenten Weekday
8:00 am Mass
· † Chuck Rosean
Wednesday April 2nd 20252
purpleSt. Francis of Paola
8:00 am Mass
Thursday April 3rd 20253
purpleLenten Weekday
8:00 am Mass
Friday April 4th 20254
purpleSt. Isidore
8:15 am Mass
Saturday April 5th 20255
purpleSt. Vincent Ferrer
8:00 am Mass
4:00 pm Mass
· † Lee J. Bessler
Sunday April 6th 20256
purple5th Sunday of Lent
7:00 am Mass
· † Anthony and Lena DeRango
· † Dennis and Adrienne Klane
9:00 am Mass
· For the People of Holy Trinity
11:00 am Mass
Monday April 7th 20257
purpleSt. John Baptist de la Salle
8:00 am Mass
Tuesday April 8th 20258
purpleLenten Weekday
8:00 am Mass
Wednesday April 9th 20259
purpleLenten Weekday
8:00 am Mass
Thursday April 10th 202510
purpleLenten Weekday
8:00 am Mass
Friday April 11th 202511
purpleSt. Stanislaus
8:15 am Mass
Saturday April 12th 202512
purpleLenten Weekday
8:00 am Mass
· Kimberly (Pappalardo) & Joe Bonifas
4:00 pm Mass
· † Laddie Smrz
· † For the Deceased Bessler and Vasich Family Members
· † Mary Anne Radavic
Sunday April 13th 202513
redPalm Sunday
7:00 am Mass
9:00 am Mass
· † Niel Anthony Macaspac
· † Charles Scherquist
· † Patricia Muth
11:00 am Mass
· For the People of Holy Trinity
Monday April 14th 202514
purpleMonday of Holy Week
8:00 am Mass
Tuesday April 15th 202515
purpleTuesday of Holy Week
8:00 am Mass
· † Roy Lizzio
Wednesday April 16th 202516
purpleWednesday of Holy Week
8:00 am Mass
Thursday April 17th 202517
whiteHoly Thursday
7:00 pm Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper
· Marta Leone
Friday April 18th 202518
redGood Friday
3:00 pm Good Friday of the Lord's Passion - Church
Saturday April 19th 202519
whiteHoly Saturday
12:00 pm Blessing of Food for the First Meal of Easter - Church
7:00 pm Easter Vigil in the Holy Night of Easter
Sunday April 20th 202520
whiteEaster Sunday
7:00 am Resurrection of the Lord
· † Holy Souls in Purgatory
9:00 am Resurrection of the Lord
· † Patricia Muth
11:00 am Resurrection of the Lord
Monday April 21st 202521
whiteEaster Monday
Tuesday April 22nd 202522
whiteEaster Tuesday
Wednesday April 23rd 202523
whiteEaster Wednesday
Thursday April 24th 202524
whiteEaster Thursday
Friday April 25th 202525
whiteEaster Friday
8:15 am Mass
Saturday April 26th 202526
whiteEaster Saturday
8:00 am Mass
4:00 pm Mass
· For the People of Holy Trinity
Sunday April 27th 202527
white2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)
7:00 am Mass
9:00 am Mass
11:00 am Mass
Monday April 28th 202528
whiteSt. Peter Chanel, St. Louis Grignon de Montfort
8:00 am Mass
Tuesday April 29th 202529
whiteSt. Catherine of Siena
8:00 am Mass
Wednesday April 30th 202530
whiteSt. Pius V
8:00 am Mass
whiteSt. Joseph the Worker
whiteSt. Athanasius
redSs. Philip & James