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green26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
whiteSs. Michael, Gabriel & Raphael
whiteSt. Jerome
Wednesday October 1st 20251
whiteSt. Thérèse of the Child Jesus
6:00 pm Mass (English)
Thursday October 2nd 20252
whiteThe Holy Guardian Angels
8:30 am Mass (English)
· † The Deceased Members of our Knights of Columbus Council by St. Sylvester K of C Council
Friday October 3rd 20253
8:30 am Mass (English)
Saturday October 4th 20254
whiteSt. Francis of Assisi
9:00 am Mass
4:00 pm Mass (English)
· † Joseph Marrone by Steve & Kathy DiRusso
Sunday October 5th 20255
green27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:00 am Mass (English)
· † Marta Rosa by Carlos Fajardo
11:00 am Mass (English)
5:00 pm Mass (Spanish)
· † For the Parish by St. Sylvester
Monday October 6th 20256
greenwhiteSt. Bruno, Blessed Marie Rose Durocher
8:30 am Mass (English)
Tuesday October 7th 20257
whiteOur Lady of the Rosary
8:30 am Mass (English)
· For an increased devotion to our Lady and the Rosary by Legion of Mary
Wednesday October 8th 20258
6:00 pm Mass (English)
· Justice & Mercy in our Families, Communities & throughout the World by SVdP
Thursday October 9th 20259
greenredwhiteSt. Denis & companions, St. John Leonardi
8:30 am Mass (English)
· † Gerald & Edith Guillot by Jack & Debbie Chase
Friday October 10th 202510
8:30 am Mass (English)
· Juliet Dalla by Glenda Doherty
Saturday October 11th 202511
greenwhiteSt. John XXIII, Mem. of Blessed Virgin Mary
4:00 pm Mass (English)
Sunday October 12th 202512
green28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:00 am Mass (English)
· † Ralph Briggs by Chuck Briggs
11:00 am Mass (English)
· † Jacob Lessmeister by Rita Lessmeister
5:00 pm Mass (Spanish)
· † For the Parish by St. Sylvester
Monday October 13th 202513
greenColumbus Day
8:30 am Mass (English)
· Aubrey Kurtz by Tom & Mary Ann Kurtz
Tuesday October 14th 202514
greenredSt. Callistus I
8:30 am Mass (English)
· † Joseph William Guerin by His Sister Debbie Trumbull
Wednesday October 15th 202515
whiteSt. Teresa of Jesus
6:00 pm Mass (English)
· † Dan Wade by Debra Wade
Thursday October 16th 202516
greenwhiteSt. Hedwig, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
8:30 am Mass (English)
· † Ed Carron by The Carron Family
Friday October 17th 202517
redSt. Ignatius of Antioch
8:30 am Mass (English)
Saturday October 18th 202518
redSt. Luke the Evangelist
4:00 pm Mass (English)
· † Mollie Barbara Helm by Mom & Dad
Sunday October 19th 202519
green29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:00 am Mass (English)
· † David Rabon, Jr. by Mom, Dad & Sister
11:00 am Mass (English)
5:00 pm Mass (Spanish)
· † For the Parish by St. Sylvester
Monday October 20th 202520
greenwhiteSt. Paul of the Cross
8:30 am Mass (English)
Tuesday October 21st 202521
8:30 am Mass (English)
· † Elisa Toves by David Toves
Wednesday October 22nd 202522
greenwhiteSt. John Paul II
6:00 pm Mass (English)
Thursday October 23rd 202523
greenwhiteSt. John of Capistrano
8:30 am Mass (English)
Friday October 24th 202524
greenwhiteSt. Anthony Mary Claret
8:30 am Mass (English)
Saturday October 25th 202525
greenwhiteMem. of Blessed Virgin Mary
4:00 pm Mass (English)
· † James & Myrtis Shoemaker by Stephen & Phyllis Regnier
Sunday October 26th 202526
green30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:00 am Mass (English)
· † Bertilda Horta by The Rey Family
11:00 am Mass (English)
5:00 pm Mass (Spanish)
· † For the Parish by St. Sylvester
Monday October 27th 202527
8:30 am Mass (English)
Tuesday October 28th 202528
redSt. Simon & St. Jude
8:30 am Mass (English)
Wednesday October 29th 202529
6:00 pm Mass (English)
Thursday October 30th 202530
8:30 am Mass (English)
Friday October 31st 202531
8:30 am Mass (English)
whiteAll Saints