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green4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
whiteSt. John Bosco
Thursday February 1st 20241
St. Joseph's Candle for † In Thanksgiving of the Romain Family
Blessed Mother Candle for † In Memory of Gudrun Hagele offered by Linda Hagele and Kayla Cottiers
Friday February 2nd 20242
whitePresentation of the Lord
St. Joseph's Candle for † In Thanksgiving of the Romain Family
Blessed Mother Candle for † In Memory of Gudrun Hagele offered by Linda Hagele and Kayla Cottiers
Saturday February 3rd 20243
greenredwhiteSt. Blase, St. Ansgar, Mem. of Blessed Virgin Mary
St. Joseph's Candle for † In Thanksgiving of the Romain Family
Blessed Mother Candle for † In Memory of Gudrun Hagele offered by Linda Hagele and Kayla Cottiers
Sunday February 4th 20244
green5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Joseph's Candle for † In Thanksgiving of the Romain Family
Altar Bread for † In Memory of Robert McIntyre
Blessed Mother Candle
Sanctuary Candle
Altar Candles
Altar Wine
Monday February 5th 20245
redSt. Agatha
St. Joseph's Candle for † In Thanksgiving of the Romain Family
Altar Bread for † In Memory of Robert McIntyre
Tuesday February 6th 20246
redSt. Paul Miki & Companions
St. Joseph's Candle for † In Thanksgiving of the Romain Family
Altar Bread for † In Memory of Robert McIntyre
Wednesday February 7th 20247
St. Joseph's Candle for † In Thanksgiving of the Romain Family
Altar Bread for † In Memory of Robert McIntyre
Thursday February 8th 20248
greenwhiteSt. Jerome Emiliani, St. Josephine Bakhita
St. Joseph's Candle for † In Thanksgiving of the Romain Family
Altar Bread for † In Memory of Robert McIntyre
Friday February 9th 20249
St. Joseph's Candle for † In Thanksgiving of the Romain Family
Altar Bread for † In Memory of Robert McIntyre
Saturday February 10th 202410
whiteSt. Scholastica
St. Joseph's Candle for † In Thanksgiving of the Romain Family
Altar Bread for † In Memory of Robert McIntyre
Sunday February 11th 202411
green6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Blessed Mother Candle for † Mary Giani
St. Joseph's Candle for † In Thanksgiving of the Romain Family
Altar Wine for † In Memory of Samuel and Frances Monaco
Sanctuary Candle
Altar Bread
Altar Candles
Monday February 12th 202412
Blessed Mother Candle for † Mary Giani
St. Joseph's Candle for † In Thanksgiving of the Romain Family
Altar Wine for † In Memory of Samuel and Frances Monaco
Tuesday February 13th 202413
Blessed Mother Candle for † Mary Giani
St. Joseph's Candle for † In Thanksgiving of the Romain Family
Altar Wine for † In Memory of Samuel and Frances Monaco
Wednesday February 14th 202414
purpleAsh Wednesday
Blessed Mother Candle for † Mary Giani
St. Joseph's Candle for † In Thanksgiving of the Romain Family
Altar Wine for † In Memory of Samuel and Frances Monaco
Thursday February 15th 202415
purpleThursday after Ash Wednesday
Blessed Mother Candle for † Mary Giani
St. Joseph's Candle for † In Thanksgiving of the Romain Family
Altar Wine for † In Memory of Samuel and Frances Monaco
Friday February 16th 202416
purpleFriday After Ash Wednesday
Blessed Mother Candle for † Mary Giani
St. Joseph's Candle for † In Thanksgiving of the Romain Family
Altar Wine for † In Memory of Samuel and Frances Monaco
Saturday February 17th 202417
purpleSeven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
Blessed Mother Candle for † Mary Giani
St. Joseph's Candle for † In Thanksgiving of the Romain Family
Altar Wine for † In Memory of Samuel and Frances Monaco
Sunday February 18th 202418
purple1st Sunday of Lent
St. Joseph's Candle for Special Intention of the Romain Family (Living)
Blessed Mother Candle
Sanctuary Candle
Altar Bread
Altar Candles
Altar Wine
Monday February 19th 202419
purpleLenten Weekday
St. Joseph's Candle for Special Intention of the Romain Family (Living)
Tuesday February 20th 202420
purpleLenten Weekday
St. Joseph's Candle for Special Intention of the Romain Family (Living)
Wednesday February 21st 202421
purpleSt. Peter Damian
St. Joseph's Candle for Special Intention of the Romain Family (Living)
Thursday February 22nd 202422
whiteChair of St. Peter
St. Joseph's Candle for Special Intention of the Romain Family (Living)
Friday February 23rd 202423
purpleSt. Polycarp
St. Joseph's Candle for Special Intention of the Romain Family (Living)
Saturday February 24th 202424
purpleLenten Weekday
St. Joseph's Candle for Special Intention of the Romain Family (Living)
Sunday February 25th 202425
purple2nd Sunday of Lent
Altar Bread for † In Memory of Joyce Andreolo
St. Joseph's Candle for Special Intention of the Romain Family (Living)
Blessed Mother Candle
Sanctuary Candle
Altar Candles
Altar Wine
Monday February 26th 202426
purpleLenten Weekday
Altar Bread for † In Memory of Joyce Andreolo
St. Joseph's Candle for Special Intention of the Romain Family (Living)
Tuesday February 27th 202427
purpleSt. Gregory of Narek
Altar Bread for † In Memory of Joyce Andreolo
St. Joseph's Candle for Special Intention of the Romain Family (Living)
Wednesday February 28th 202428
purpleLenten Weekday
Altar Bread for † In Memory of Joyce Andreolo
St. Joseph's Candle for Special Intention of the Romain Family (Living)
Thursday February 29th 202429
purpleLenten Weekday
Altar Bread for † In Memory of Joyce Andreolo
St. Joseph's Candle for Special Intention of the Romain Family (Living)
purpleLenten Weekday
purpleLenten Weekday