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white2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)
whiteSt. Peter Chanel, St. Louis Grignon de Montfort
whiteSt. Catherine of Siena
whiteSt. Pius V
Thursday May 1st 20251
whiteSt. Joseph the Worker
Friday May 2nd 20252
whiteSt. Athanasius
Saturday May 3rd 20253
redSs. Philip & James
Sunday May 4th 20254
white3rd Sunday of Easter
Blessed Mother Candle for † John Hrablook
St. Joseph's Candle
Sanctuary Candle
Altar Bread
Altar Candles
Altar Wine
Monday May 5th 20255
whiteEaster Weekday
Blessed Mother Candle for † John Hrablook
Tuesday May 6th 20256
whiteEaster Weekday
Blessed Mother Candle for † John Hrablook
Wednesday May 7th 20257
whiteEaster Weekday
Blessed Mother Candle for † John Hrablook
Thursday May 8th 20258
whiteEaster Weekday
Blessed Mother Candle for † John Hrablook
Friday May 9th 20259
whiteEaster Weekday
Blessed Mother Candle for † John Hrablook
Saturday May 10th 202510
whiteSt. John of Avila, St. Damien
Blessed Mother Candle for † John Hrablook
Sunday May 11th 202511
white4th Sunday of EasterMother's Day
Blessed Mother Candle for † John Hrablook
St. Joseph's Candle
Sanctuary Candle
Altar Bread
Altar Candles
Altar Wine
Monday May 12th 202512
whiteredSs. Nereus & Achilleus, St. Pancras
Blessed Mother Candle for † John Hrablook
Tuesday May 13th 202513
whiteOur Lady of Fatima
Blessed Mother Candle for † John Hrablook
Wednesday May 14th 202514
redSt. Matthias the Apostle
Blessed Mother Candle for † John Hrablook
Thursday May 15th 202515
whiteSt. Isidore
Blessed Mother Candle for † John Hrablook
Friday May 16th 202516
whiteEaster Weekday
Blessed Mother Candle for † John Hrablook
Saturday May 17th 202517
whiteEaster Weekday
Blessed Mother Candle for † John Hrablook
Sunday May 18th 202518
white5th Sunday of Easter
Blessed Mother Candle
St. Joseph's Candle
Sanctuary Candle
Altar Bread
Altar Candles
Altar Wine
Monday May 19th 202519
whiteEaster Weekday
Tuesday May 20th 202520
whiteSt. Bernardine of Siena
Wednesday May 21st 202521
whiteredSt. Christopher Magallanes & companions
Thursday May 22nd 202522
whiteSt. Rita of Cascia
Friday May 23rd 202523
whiteEaster Weekday
Saturday May 24th 202524
whiteEaster Weekday
Sunday May 25th 202525
white6th Sunday of Easter
Blessed Mother Candle
St. Joseph's Candle
Sanctuary Candle
Altar Bread
Altar Candles
Altar Wine
Monday May 26th 202526
whiteSt. Philip NeriMemorial Day
Tuesday May 27th 202527
whiteSt. Augustine of Canterbury
Wednesday May 28th 202528
whiteEaster Weekday
Thursday May 29th 202529
whiteEaster Weekday
Friday May 30th 202530
whiteEaster Weekday
Saturday May 31st 202531
whiteVisitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary