Room: St. Mary Health of the Sick

purpleLenten Weekday
Confession 3:45 pm
St. Mary Health of the Sick
Mass 4:30 pm
St. Mary Health of the Sick
purple3rd Sunday of Lent
Mass 9:30 am
St. Mary Health of the Sick
purpleSs. Perpetua & Felicity
Mass 7:00 pm
St. Mary Health of the Sick
purpleSt. Frances of Rome
Confession 3:45 pm
St. Mary Health of the Sick
Mass 4:30 pm
St. Mary Health of the Sick
pink4th Sunday of Lent
Mass 9:30 am
St. Mary Health of the Sick
purpleLenten Weekday
Confession 3:45 pm
St. Mary Health of the Sick
Mass 4:30 pm
St. Mary Health of the Sick
purple5th Sunday of Lent
Mass 9:30 am
St. Mary Health of the Sick
purpleSt. Cyril of Jerusalem
purpleSt. Turibius of Mogrovejo
Confession 3:45 pm
St. Mary Health of the Sick
Mass 4:30 pm
St. Mary Health of the Sick
redPalm Sunday
Mass 9:30 am
St. Mary Health of the Sick
purpleTuesday of Holy Week
purpleWednesday of Holy Week
whiteThursday of Holy Week
Mass 5:30 pm
St. Mary Health of the Sick
redGood Friday
1:00 pm-2:30 pm
Veneration of the Cross - St. Mary Health of the Sick - Fr. Pedro Escribano
whiteHoly Saturday
Confession 3:45 pm
St. Mary Health of the Sick
whiteEaster Sunday
Mass 9:30 am
St. Mary Health of the Sick