Room: St. Mary Health of the Sick

whitePresentation of the Lord
Mass 9:30 am
St. Mary Health of the Sick
greenredwhiteSt. Blase, St. Ansgar
redSt. Paul Miki & Companions
Mass 7:00 pm
St. Mary Health of the Sick
greenwhiteSt. Jerome Emiliani, St. Josephine Bakhita, Mem. of Blessed Virgin Mary
Mass 4:30 pm
St. Mary Health of the Sick
green5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass 9:30 am
St. Mary Health of the Sick
greenwhiteOur Lady of Lourdes
whiteSs. Cyril & Methodius
greenwhiteMem. of Blessed Virgin Mary
Mass 4:30 pm
St. Mary Health of the Sick
green6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass 9:30 am
St. Mary Health of the Sick
greenwhiteSeven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
whiteChair of St. Peter
Mass 4:30 pm
St. Mary Health of the Sick
green7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass 9:30 am
St. Mary Health of the Sick
greenwhiteSt. Gregory of Narek
greenwhiteMem. of Blessed Virgin Mary
Mass 4:30 pm
St. Mary Health of the Sick
green8th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass 9:30 am
St. Mary Health of the Sick
greenwhiteSaint Katharine Drexel
purpleSs. Perpetua & Felicity
purpleSt. John of God
Mass 4:30 pm
St. Mary Health of the Sick
purple1st Sunday of Lent
Mass 9:30 am
St. Mary Health of the Sick
purpleLenten Weekday
Mass 4:30 pm
St. Mary Health of the Sick
purple2nd Sunday of Lent
Mass 9:30 am
St. Mary Health of the Sick
purpleSt. Cyril of Jerusalem
purpleLenten Weekday
Mass 4:30 pm
St. Mary Health of the Sick
whiteAnnunciation of the Lord
purpleLenten Weekday
Mass 4:30 pm
St. Mary Health of the Sick
purple5th Sunday of Lent
Mass 9:30 am
St. Mary Health of the Sick
purpleSt. John Baptist de la Salle
purpleLenten Weekday
Mass 4:30 pm
St. Mary Health of the Sick
whiteSt. Peter Chanel, St. Louis Grignon de Montfort
whiteSt. Catherine of Siena
whiteSt. Joseph the Worker
Mass 7:00 pm
St. Mary Health of the Sick
whiteSt. Athanasius
redSs. Philip & James
Mass 4:30 pm
St. Mary Health of the Sick