Room: PC- Library/ Santa Rosa

white7th Sunday of Easter
whiteredSs. Marcellinus & Peter
redSs. Charles Lwanga & companions
whiteEaster Weekday
""TENITIVE" Year 2 Day Retreat
Youth Ministry- Confirmation
PC- Library/ Santa Rosa (Parish Center)
PC- Upstairs Conference Room (Parish Center)
PC- Santa Cruz (Parish center)
PC- San Miguel (Parish Center)
PH- Main Conference Room (Parish House)
PH- Living Room (Parish House)
SCH- Hurley Hall (OLA School)
SCH- Mulcahy Center (OLA School)
SCH- Mulcahy Center Kitchen (OLA School)
SCH- Youth Room (OLA School)
Ph- Deacons Office (Parish House)
greenredFirst Martyrs of the Church of Rome