All Saints
All Souls
St. Martin de Porres
St. Charles Borromeo
Mass 9:00 am
St. Gregory Church
Mem. of Blessed Virgin MaryConfession 3:00 pm
St. Matthew Church
Confession 3:00 pm
St. Gregory Church
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dedication of the Lateran BasilicaMass 7:30 am
St. Matthew Church
St. Leo the Great
St. Martin of ToursVeterans Day
St. Josaphat
St Frances Xavier CabriniMass 9:00 am
St. Gregory Church
Mem. of Blessed Virgin MaryConfession 3:00 pm
St. Matthew Church
Confession 3:00 pm
St. Gregory Church
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Margaret of Scotland, St. Gertrude the Great
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Dedication of Basilicas of Ss. Peter & Paul, St. Rose Philippine Duchesne
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin MaryConfession 3:00 pm
St. Matthew Church
Confession 3:00 pm
St. Gregory Church
Christ The King
St. Clement I, St. Columban, Blessed Miguel AgustÃn
St. Andrew Dung Lac & companions
St. Catherine of Alexandria
Thanksgiving DayThanksgiving Day
Mem. of Blessed Virgin MaryConfession 3:00 pm
St. Matthew Church
Confession 3:00 pm
St. Gregory Church
1st Sunday of Advent
St. Andrew the Apostle