Room: Entire Parish Life Center

greenwhiteMem. of Blessed Virgin Mary
green8th Sunday in Ordinary Time
1st Communion "Ignite" & Confirmation "Ablaze"
K-8 Faith Formation
Entire Parish Life Center (Parish Life Center)
greenwhiteSaint Katharine Drexel
purpleThursday after Ash Wednesday
purpleSs. Perpetua & Felicity
purple1st Sunday of Lent
purpleLenten Weekday
Elementary 'Sparks'(K-5) and Middle School 'Luminaries'(6-8)
K-8 Faith Formation
Entire Parish Life Center (Parish Life Center)
purple2nd Sunday of Lent
purpleSt. Cyril of Jerusalem
purpleLenten Weekday
All Day
Entire Church (Church)
Entire Parish Life Center (Parish Life Center)
pink4th Sunday of Lent