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white2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)
whiteredSt. Peter Chanel, St. Louis Grignon de Montfort
whiteSt. Catherine of Siena
whiteSt. Pius V
Thursday May 1st 20251
whiteSt. Joseph the Worker
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· Alden Raney
Friday May 2nd 20252
whiteSt. Athanasius
7:30 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:00 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † For the People of the Parish
Saturday May 3rd 20253
redSs. Philip & James
7:30 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:00 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † St Ann Altar Society & Vocations
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Victor & Charlene Dvorak
Sunday May 4th 20254
white3rd Sunday of Easter
8:00 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:30 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Tonie Halfmann
10:00 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (Latin)
10:30 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (Latin)
· † Isabella Auer
Monday May 5th 20255
whiteEaster Weekday
Tuesday May 6th 20256
whiteEaster Weekday
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Purgatorial Society Members
Wednesday May 7th 20257
whiteEaster Weekday
7:30 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:00 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· Kade Sanders
Thursday May 8th 20258
whiteEaster Weekday
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· Cheryl Zientek
Friday May 9th 20259
whiteEaster Weekday
7:30 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:00 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Dorothy Button
Saturday May 10th 202510
whiteSt. John of Avila
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· Spiritual Bouquet
Sunday May 11th 202511
white4th Sunday of EasterMother's Day
8:00 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:30 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· Spiritual Bouquet
10:00 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (Latin)
10:30 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (Latin)
· Spiritual Bouquet
Monday May 12th 202512
whiteredSs. Nereus & Achilleus, St. Pancras
Tuesday May 13th 202513
whiteOur Lady of Fatima
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Laura Marie & Alexander Conroy Sherrard
Wednesday May 14th 202514
redSt. Matthias the Apostle
7:30 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:00 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Richard & Annie Schmidt
Thursday May 15th 202515
redSt. Isidore
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Living & Deceased Members Of Catholic Life Branch 11
Friday May 16th 202516
whiteEaster Weekday
7:30 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:00 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † For the People of the Parish
Saturday May 17th 202517
whiteEaster Weekday
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Andrew Eckermann
Sunday May 18th 202518
white5th Sunday of Easter
8:00 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:30 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Bernice Warschak
10:00 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (Latin)
10:30 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (Latin)
· Paul Mazoch
Monday May 19th 202519
whiteEaster Weekday
Tuesday May 20th 202520
whiteSt. Bernardine of Siena
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Robert Sherrard, Sr
Wednesday May 21st 202521
whiteredSt. Christopher Magallanes & companions
7:30 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:00 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † For the People of the Parish
Thursday May 22nd 202522
whiteSt. Rita of Cascia
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Emil Socha
Friday May 23rd 202523
whiteEaster Weekday
7:30 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:00 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Hugo Schertz
Saturday May 24th 202524
whiteEaster Weekday
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Frank Rainosek
Sunday May 25th 202525
white6th Sunday of Easter
8:00 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:30 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Edwin Seidel
10:00 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (Latin)
10:30 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (Latin)
· † Lawrence & Leona Cicherski & Norman Chersky
Monday May 26th 202526
whiteSt. Philip NeriMemorial Day
Tuesday May 27th 202527
whiteSt. Augustine of Canterbury
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Dorothy Button
Wednesday May 28th 202528
whiteEaster Weekday
7:30 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:00 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· Paula Gerik
Thursday May 29th 202529
whiteEaster Weekday
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Albert & Tonie Halfmann
Friday May 30th 202530
whiteEaster Weekday
7:30 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:00 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· Doug Gerik
Saturday May 31st 202531
whiteVisitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Janie Hrachovy