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Sunday June 1st 20251
whiteThe Ascension of the Lord
8:00 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:30 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Deceased Members of Emil & Caroline Buxkemper Family
10:00 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (Latin)
10:30 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (Latin)
· † Ralph Bernsen
Monday June 2nd 20252
whiteredSs. Marcellinus & Peter
Tuesday June 3rd 20253
redSs. Charles Lwanga & companions
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Purgatorial Society Members
Wednesday June 4th 20254
whiteEaster Weekday
7:30 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:00 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Lillie Schertz Krenek
Thursday June 5th 20255
redSt. Boniface
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Robert, Sr, Laura Marie & Alexander Conroy Sherrard
Friday June 6th 20256
whiteSt. Norbert
7:30 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:00 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † For the People of the Parish
Saturday June 7th 20257
whiteEaster Weekday
7:30 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:00 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † St Ann Altar Society & Vocations
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Kathy Kneblik
Sunday June 8th 20258
8:00 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:30 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Donnie Schmidt
10:00 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (Latin)
10:30 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (Latin)
· Paul Mazoch
Monday June 9th 20259
whiteMary, Mother of the Church
Tuesday June 10th 202510
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· Fr. Bob's 25th Anniversary of Priesthood Ordination
Wednesday June 11th 202511
redSt. Barnabas the Apostle
7:30 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:00 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· Johnny Canik
Thursday June 12th 202512
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Gilbert E & Darlene Canik
Friday June 13th 202513
whiteSt. Anthony of Padua
7:30 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:00 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· Ernie & Eudene Richter
Saturday June 14th 202514
greenwhiteMem. of Blessed Virgin Mary
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· Spiritual Bouquet
Sunday June 15th 202515
whiteTrinity SundayFather's Day
8:00 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:30 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· Spiritual Bouquet
10:00 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (Latin)
10:30 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (Latin)
· Spiritual Bouquet
Monday June 16th 202516
Tuesday June 17th 202517
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Dorothy Button
Wednesday June 18th 202518
7:30 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:00 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Frank Rainosek
Thursday June 19th 202519
greenwhiteSt. RomualdJuneteenth
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Victor & Charlene Dvorak
Friday June 20th 202520
7:30 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:00 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † For the People of the Parish
Saturday June 21st 202521
whiteSt. Aloysius Gonzaga
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Edwin Seidel
Sunday June 22nd 202522
whiteCorpus Christi
8:00 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:30 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Paul & Mary Schmidt
10:00 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (Latin)
10:30 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (Latin)
· † Lena & Thomas L Aubin, Jr
Monday June 23rd 202523
Tuesday June 24th 202524
whiteBirth of St. John the Baptist
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Ewald Schertz
Wednesday June 25th 202525
7:30 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:00 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † For the People of the Parish
Thursday June 26th 202526
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Janie Hrachovy
Friday June 27th 202527
whiteThe Sacred Heart of Jesus
7:30 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:00 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Bernice Warschak
Saturday June 28th 202528
greenredwhiteImmaculate Heart of Mary, St. Irenaeus, Mem. of Blessed Virgin Mary
5:30 pm Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
6:00 pm Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Andrew Eckermann
Sunday June 29th 202529
redSs. Peter & Paul
8:00 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
8:30 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (English)
· † Emil Socha
10:00 am Confession - Saints Peter and Paul (Latin)
10:30 am Mass - Saints Peter and Paul (Latin)
· † Latourney, Valentine, Rodriguez & Ardines Families
Monday June 30th 202530
greenredFirst Martyrs of the Church of Rome
greenwhiteSt. Junípero Serra
redSt. Thomas the Apostle
greenwhiteIndependence DayIndependence Day
greenwhiteSt. Elizabeth of Portugal, St. Anthony Zaccaria, Mem. of Blessed Virgin Mary