Room: SJV-Cafeteria

purple1st Sunday of Lent
purpleLenten Weekday
Fish Fry Prep
Fish Fry
All Day
STI-Hall (Hall)
OLOJ-Hall (Hall)
SJV-Cafeteria (School)
purple2nd Sunday of Lent
purpleSt. Patrick
LOC Meeting
Ladies of Charity
SJV-Cafeteria (School)
purpleSt. Cyril of Jerusalem
purpleLenten Weekday
Fish Fry Prep
Fish Fry
All Day
STI-Hall (Hall)
OLOJ-Hall (Hall)
SJV-Cafeteria (School)
purpleLenten Weekday
St. Joseph Table
Engagement Committee
All Day
SJV-Cafeteria (School)
OLOJ-CCD Rm 1 (Hall)
purple3rd Sunday of Lent
St. Joseph Table
Engagement Committee
All Day
SJV-Cafeteria (School)
OLOJ-CCD Rm 1 (Hall)
whiteAnnunciation of the Lord
purpleLenten Weekday
Fish Fry Prep
Fish Fry
All Day
STI-Hall (Hall)
OLOJ-Hall (Hall)
SJV-Cafeteria (School)
pink4th Sunday of Lent
purpleSt. Francis of Paola
Knights of Columbus Meeting
Knight of Columbus
SJV-Cafeteria (School)
purpleLenten Weekday
Fish Fry Prep
Fish Fry
All Day
STI-Hall (Hall)
OLOJ-Hall (Hall)
SJV-Cafeteria (School)
purpleSt. Vincent Ferrer
CGS Western PA Gathering
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
All Day
SJV-Cafeteria (School)
purple5th Sunday of Lent
purpleSt. John Baptist de la Salle
purpleLenten Weekday
Fish Fry Prep
Fish Fry
All Day
STI-Hall (Hall)
OLOJ-Hall (Hall)
SJV-Cafeteria (School)
purpleMonday of Holy Week
purpleTuesday of Holy Week
purpleWednesday of Holy Week
Knights of Columbus Meeting
Knight of Columbus
SJV-Cafeteria (School)
whiteHoly Thursday
Fish Fry Prep
Fish Fry
All Day
STI-Hall (Hall)
OLOJ-Hall (Hall)
SJV-Cafeteria (School)
redGood Friday
Fish Fry
Fish Fry
All Day
STI-Hall (Hall)
OLOJ-Hall (Hall)
SJV-Cafeteria (School)
SJB-Cafeteria (School)
white2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)
whiteSt. Peter Chanel, St. Louis Grignon de Montfort
whiteSt. Catherine of Siena
whiteSt. Joseph the Worker
whiteSt. Athanasius
redSs. Philip & James
white3rd Sunday of Easter
whiteEaster Weekday
whiteEaster Weekday
whiteSt. John of Avila, St. Damien
white4th Sunday of EasterMother's Day
whiteredSs. Nereus & Achilleus, St. Pancras
whiteOur Lady of Fatima
Pastoral Council
Pastoral Council
SJV-Cafeteria (School)
redSt. Matthias the Apostle
white5th Sunday of Easter
whiteSt. Bernardine of Siena
whiteredSt. Christopher Magallanes & companions
whiteSt. Rita of Cascia
white6th Sunday of Easter
whiteSt. Philip NeriMemorial Day
whiteSt. Augustine of Canterbury
whiteVisitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Baby Shower Rental (Mary Lou Kennedy)
Paid Rental
All Day
SJV-Cafeteria (School)
whiteThe Ascension of the Lord
whiteredSs. Marcellinus & Peter
redSs. Charles Lwanga & companions
whiteEaster Weekday
Knights of Columbus Meeting
Knight of Columbus
SJV-Cafeteria (School)