Room: STI-8th Grade Room

purpleSt. Francis of Paola
purpleLenten Weekday
SYM - Topic Night
Youth Ministry
STI-8th Grade Room (School)
purpleSt. Vincent Ferrer
purple5th Sunday of Lent
purpleSt. John Baptist de la Salle
purpleLenten Weekday
SYM - Topic Night
Youth Ministry
STI-8th Grade Room (School)
purpleLenten Weekday
Autistic Event
Special Event
STI-8th Grade Room (School)
purpleMonday of Holy Week
purpleTuesday of Holy Week
purpleWednesday of Holy Week
whiteHoly Thursday
SYM - Topic Night
Youth Ministry
STI-8th Grade Room (School)
whiteEaster Thursday
SYM - Topic Night
Youth Ministry
STI-8th Grade Room (School)
white2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)
whiteSt. Peter Chanel, St. Louis Grignon de Montfort
whiteSt. Catherine of Siena