Building: Hall

whiteThe Ascension of the Lord
Pronio Rental
Paid Rental
All Day
STI-Hall (Hall)
KOC Blood Drive
Knight of Columbus
All Day
OLOJ-Hall (Hall)
whiteredSs. Marcellinus & Peter
redSs. Charles Lwanga & companions
whiteMary, Mother of the Church
redSt. Barnabas the Apostle
Catholic Men's Fellowship
Catholic Men's Fellowship (CMF)
OLOJ-CCD Rm 1 (Hall)
whiteSt. Anthony of Padua
greenwhiteMem. of Blessed Virgin Mary
whiteTrinity SundayFather's Day
Pastoral Council
Pastoral Council
OLOJ-Hall (Hall)
greenwhiteSt. RomualdJuneteenth
whiteSt. Aloysius Gonzaga
whiteBirth of St. John the Baptist
whiteThe Sacred Heart of Jesus
greenredwhiteImmaculate Heart of Mary, St. Irenaeus, Mem. of Blessed Virgin Mary
redSs. Peter & Paul
greenredFirst Martyrs of the Church of Rome